
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

P90X Day 2: Plyometrics

Disclosure: At times I may include affiliate links to useful products that I believe to be beneficial. It doesn't cost you anything and I generate some revenue from it. Learm More
This was my second day with P90X. The first day of P90X was very tough. Apparently I missed a few spots with the Sportscreme last night and I really felt it during the Plyometrics warm up. Ah, nothing makes you feel fatter than your sore chest and ab muscles hurt while the fat over them moves while doing jumping jacks.

Plyometrics is all about jump exercises. It follows the same basic format as the other videos. A few minutes of warming up and stretching, the exercise routine, then a cool down and stretching series to finish things off.

There wasn't any moves in this DVD that I couldn't do, but it was hard to keep up with some. Getting as high or jumping as fast in some cases wasn't possible and in some cases, jumps turned into big steps as my heart rate was getting too high.
Keeping your heart rate in your target zone is the most important aspect. If you're not used to exercising vigorously, you might want to keep it in the lower half of your target zone.

If you're having trouble keeping up with everything, or there's a particular move you can't do, don't use that as an excuse to take a break and sit it out. Keep moving in some fashion to keep your heart rate within your target zone throughout the video. Remember, you should have consulted with a doctor before starting an exercise program to get an idea of how hard you can push yourself.

Very early on, my feet really started to hurt. My legs were fine with all the jumping so far so I just took off my sneakers and continued barefoot. I found it to be more comfortable that way.

With a lot of jumping, it's better to do these types of exercises on a stable floor such as the concrete pad in your basement or garage with some padding over it, such as an exercise mat or a rubber floor tiles.

If you're doing Plyometrics on carpet or hardwood over a regular wood framed floor and you're getting squeaks, the O'Berry Squeak No More Kit works well on quieting the floor. THe hard part is finding the joist location, but once you find one, the rest are usually 16" on center away from it.

At the end of this workout, I was really tired and dripping in sweat. Going up and down the stairs to the kitchen to get a drink was very difficult.

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