
Monday, December 2, 2013

A Smoker's Road To 5K - Week 2

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Week 2 update for my plan to run more and smoke less using the Couch to 5k running program.

As always the C25K session starts and ends with a 5 minute brisk walk to warm up and cool down. For week 2 the middle part of the session consists of 90 seconds of running followed by 120 seconds of walking repeated for 20 minutes.

Week 2 had the same issue as week 1. It ends with a walk before the cool down walk so I added an extra run before the cool down walk.

Day 1

Week 2 wasn't much more difficult for me than week 1 but I'm sticking with the plan except I'm still doing the extra running segment at the end. I did 2.1 miles in 33 minutes for an average speed of 3.6 MPH.

Day 2

Since I'm still not breaking much of a sweat I increased both my walking and running times. 2.1 miles in 33 minutes averaging 3.8 MPH.

I didn't think to start logging my heart rate monitor data until today. When I'm done I'll include a chart of my heart rate stats over the course of the C25K program. My target heart rate zone is zone 3 and of the 33 minutes on the treadmill only 9 min 16 seconds were in that zone.

Day 3

Day 3 I ran and walked a little faster but not enough to notice with the precision I'm logging the data. 2.1 miles in 33 minutes averaging 3.8 MPH 11 min 28 secs in zone 3.

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