
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Screw You Chris Christie!

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Seriously Screw You!

Over the past few years Fort Lee, NJ has been dealing with a rash of pedestrian traffic accidents including a number of fatalities. It's gotten so bad Fort Lee Police have been putting themselves in harms way, acting as pedestrian decoys and ticketing motorists that fail to yield to them.

For people in your administration to willingly create traffic problems in the Borough with all this going on is reprehensible. Especially since one of them works for the Port Authority and should have been aware of these problems.
I find it hard to believe that you didn't know. You first dismiss the claims, then go on the offensive about why Fort Lee would even have 3 lanes into the bridge. I mean.. that's not fair right? Why does Fort Lee control 3 lanes and not other towns like Newark? It's not like these are Fort Lee public streets or anything? Right? 

With all the information coming out about how incompetently this petty act was orchestrated anyone with half a brain could figure out what was going to come next. You'd have a press conference, apologize, fire people and claim you didn't know. In fact you spent more time explaining how you didn't know than apologizing.

This is the same line people that want to protect themselves (or friends) take. Deny, distract, redirect, apologize, blame others and "accept responsibility" while trying to make yourself sound like a victim.  Accepting responsibility must mean something completely different to politicians.

Even if by some chance you honestly didn't know... You handled this very poorly from the beginning. I'm disappointed because I was actually starting to like you.

Update: When Governor Christie arrived at Fort Lee's Municipal Building there was a small crowd gathered outside. The majority of which were with the media. A few local residents and professionals came to hear what Christie had to say.

Some wanted to hear an apology in person, others wanted to complain about the issues the traffic caused them and some just wanted to see the Governor and congratulate him for the great job he was doing.

Christie didn't address the crowd when he arrived or when he left. A bit disappointing but not at all surprising that he would start his press conference with an apology to the mayor and residents, spend 2 hours trying to explain how this couldn't have possibly have been his fault but couldn't spend a few minutes to apologize in person to some of the residents that were waiting for it.

Could have at least apologized for the new traffic jam he created when all the media trucks flooded main street around the afternoon traffic rush. I have my doubts about his honesty about what he knew but now his sincerity is also in question.

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