
Saturday, June 26, 2021

Hooks Creek, Cheesequake State Park Print For Sale

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Wall art photographic print for sale, "Hooks Creek, Cheesequake State Park, NJ 9/2019".

There was a time in my life where I thought I could be some sort of fine art photographer. I even got to the point where I was getting ready for a showing at a small local gallery. Unfortunately my life wound up getting turned upside down for a few years and I spent a long time not being a photographer. It was a pretty dark time in my life, thankfully one I've been moving past.

The subjects back then were very different than the photos I'm posting on this blog and Instagram. Spending time in nature became an important part of getting past that period of my life. I thought I might try and share physical copies of some of things I saw along the way. This is the first print I'm making available. It's been decades since I've made an art print sale.

Walking became an important part of my life. It helped me release energy and have time to myself. Walking turned into hiking and I eventually started camping again. Something I hadn't done in many years. Any vacation was a rarity back then.

Camping a Cheesequake State Park in Matawan, NJ was my first little weekend trip to the outdoors. A couple of days away from everything, hiking, swimming, hammocking and walking up to the sounds of nature did wonders for me. For the first time in a long time, I felt normal.

I've been to Cheesequake many times since that first trip back in 2018. It's not too far from me, the trails are pretty nice, and the lake is great for swimming. A typical day at the campground looks like this. Wake up with the sun and birds, make breakfast. Clean up. Maybe go for a run or relax in the hammock a bit. Get lunch ready then head to the lake. Swim, sun, swim, eat, sun, swim in some sort of order that makes sense for that day. When the lifeguards go off duty, change and go for a hike or trail run. My hike will typically end near sunset which gets me some nice photos. Back to the campsite for dinner. Rinse and repeat the next day.

I have a 36x24 inch print of this picture hanging over my bed and it's one of the last things I see before I go to sleep and looking at it brings me much peace and comfort. If you'd like a copy click here for to check out the different options including prints, framed prints and canvas prints. I recommend getting the print on metallic paper.  "Hooks Creek at Sunset Cheesequake State Park"

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